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Child Safety: First and Forever with Officer Bill

Most adults know this 50-year police veteran as Sgt. Bill Davis. But, his ‘little friends’ know him as ‘Officer Bill.’ Officer Bill’s program for pre-school and elementary school age children discusses several topics with his audience. Officer Bill begins his program with a discussion about who our real heroes are in the daily lives of our children and empowers them to be heroes in their own life. Children do not usually forget Officer Bill’s message about gun safety as he shows the children where a careless friend shot him with a gun. He continues with discussions about bicycle safety, seat belts, and traffic signs. Other topics that Officer Bill discusses with the children are ‘stranger-danger,’ getting lost, and ‘911.’ The topic of bullies is dealt with extensively and in a way that even pre-k boys and girls can comprehend.


A discussion about ‘bullies’ ends his 20-22 minute program for pre-k and kindergarten students. For 1st and 2nd graders, he concludes with an extra 10-minute discussion about drugs and good touches, bad touches, and what Officer Bill calls the “UH-OH” touch. The program is presented in a positive and tasteful manner, and on a level that the youngest student can comprehend. Officer Bill adds an extra 15- minutes to the program for 3rd , 4th , and 5th graders, discussing the issue of ‘accountability’ and how they can now go to jail because they are 10-years old or older. The topic of ‘bullies’ is revisited with the older students and discussed in a more direct fashion with them using Texas law. The information Officer Bill gives these ‘little ones’ could possibly save their life.


Educational Objectives:

1. Many children are taught by perpetrators to not tell “the secret” of being sexually exploited. Officer Bill gives these children permission to tell this secret to someone they trust.

2. Officer Bill’s message of gun safety has saved countless little lives from possible injury or death as he personally shows children where a careless adult friend shot him with a .12 gauge shotgun.

3. Officer Bill’s message leaves a lasting positive impression concerning these important topics on their impressionable little minds. His information could easily save their life.

Paris, Texas

“We thought he did an awesome job, especially on the touch part. He put it on their level.” - School administrator
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